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Ross Collins
(704) 223-2874
Charlotte, NC
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About Ross Collins

If you have found my travel site, then Nice Work Pal! After being blessed with years of amazing travels, I have decided to become my own travel advisor to help my friends and family create magical travels of their own! Traveling runs deep in my family and the rewards of travel last a lifetime. I have always loved recommending travel destinations, cruising oportunities, experiences and resorts for my family and friends, and now I am finally fulfilling a dream of doing it for real! Please let me know how I can help you plan your next vacation, long weekend getaway or a journey to the happiest place on earth. I am well versed in the amazing world of cruising and everything Caribbean. I also love sharing my families travel experiences to Europe, Asia, Australia, French Polynesia, infinity and beyond. Thank you for taking some time to visit my site and please reach out to me if I can be of assistance. Having a friend look after your travel investment is much better than a stranger who might not have your best interest in mind. As Kenny Chesney sings "When I've had it up to here, I go down there. To guitars and tiki bars and a whole lotta love. Mango's and Marley, you know, fit me like a glove. Sixth gear with nowhere to steer, when enough is enough. It's guitars and tiki bars and a whole lotta love!" Cheers! Ross   

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